About Your Massage Therapist & Honeybee Massage LLC

Bianca LMT, Colorado Springs

Himalayan Salt Lamp & Oils

Treatment Room

If you are in search of MASSAGE THERAPY & BODYWORK services, Honeybee Massage is here for you!

I want to get to know you and help you live life with flexibility, improved range of motion, and less pain and less inflammation.

My specialization is in Recovery & Maintenance Massage Therapy and Bodywork.

When you come in, I am considering:

- any chronic pain issues you've had (over the last year, sometimes more)

- how you feel currently (day to day)

- how you want to feel when you leave

- how you can continue to feel better overtime.

My values and foundations for effective treatment are:

1) My Method: My values in bodywork, and high quality personal care encompass the full picture, and that everyone's body is unique. How you feel one day for your massage may be different from the next. I do not use strictly one modality. I want you to feel cared for exactly the way you need it at the time you come in. I use a variety of techniques and pressure, and stretching, but also incorporating tools, such as Cupping, Scraping, Hot Stones, Aromatherapy and Relaxation/Swedish techniques as needed to soothe the area after being worked.

2) Looking at all the functions of the body, knowing each muscle plays a key role in our movement and potential dysfunctions.

3) Considering Lifestyle & Environment: how exposure to those things can cause a stress response, and how its manifesting in your muscles and posture.

4) Encouraging our bodies natural healing process.

(lowering inflammation, reducing chronic headaches, bettering posture, bettering sleep)

If you read about my foundations for effective treatment and it resonates with you, or if you have a question, and want to discuss any of the points mentioned above, I would be interested in hearing from you.

Much Gratitude and wishes of Abundance to you!

Bianca Steinert LMT

Why Honeybee Massage for the name?

I chose the name Honeybee for a couple of reasons. Think about all the hard work honeybees do for our environment. The whole world would be struggling if honeybees weren’t pollinating.

Think of yourself and others, as a honeybee. You work hard and work together to make the world go around, and here at Honeybee Massage, I hold a space for every hard worker. Everyone deserves rest, we need it to keep going, to achieve our goals, and to feel our best. So I hope you feel like you have community with me, and know that you are seen.